Theft of critical
non-public information
Fraudulent transactions leveraging central infrastructure
Disruption of critical industry-wide services
of critical data
of critical data
Theft of critical
Compromised confidentiality of industry-critical non-public information for us in insider trading, market manipulating action, or intelligence gathering
Initiation of fraudulent trades by insiders, using stolen non-public press release information provided by hackers
Fraudulent transactions leveraging central infrastructure
Initiation of fraudulent transactions leveraging critical payments infrastructure
Initiation of multiple coordinated fraudulent transactions leveraging a major payments system, causing financial loss and lack of confidence in the integrity of the payments system
Disruption of a major wholesale payments system over a 24-hour period, causing inability to settle transaction, potential failures of banks and CCPs, lack of confidence, and a direct impact on stock markets
Disruption of critical industry-wide
Disrupted availability of critical payments, clearing, and settlement services of multiple institutions for an extended period of time
Malware attack on a stock exchange data centers to manipulate stock prices, with the goal of financial gain and disruption of market integrity
of critical data
Compromise of integrity of data critical for the accurate and effective functioning of payments, clearing, settlement processes through data manipulation
Ransomware attack involving deletion of data at a custodian bank or a large central security depository, disrupting the purchase and sale of securities
of critical data
Compromise of the availability of data critical for the accurate and effective functioning of payments, clearing, settlement processes through data deletion
Increasing systemic consequences
Credit and liquidity crisis
Widespread loss of trust
Eroded integrity and efficiency
Inability to settle
Outage of a critical player
Significant financial loss
Cyber-attack categories